- To manage and process enquiries & applications received for new and existing members, give advice on the membership categories available to members, to maintain online (website) membership database and manage all elements of administration relating to Club membership.
- To manage and maintain BGRC website membership database and the CPGA JustGo database.
- Management and maintenance of membership details including recording of online annual subscriptions, online registration & membership forms, health and fitness competency declarations, parental consent forms (for junior members) and membership demographics.
- Advise members of the types of membership categories available and applicable annual fees to members, keep members updated and advised of any changes in fees, changes in membership categories and any membership matters relating to club and CPGA compliance.
Principal Accountabilities:
- To the Chair generally and specifically to the Club Treasurer for receipt of membership subscriptions, LTR course fees received, CPGA gigrower memberships.
- To the Chair and/or Rowing Team and/or Board of Directors for addition of new club members and changes in membership numbers.
Principal Tasks:
- To manage, maintain and monitor all online membership registrations/applications, (including ensuring personal information received is accurately input by members – dates of birth, mobile telephone numbers etc).
- To ensure that appropriate personal health information is kept accurate and current for individual members, that Welfare and the Lead Cox are aware of any pertinent health information and where applicable, that all parental consents are up-to-date and compliant for junior members.
- Liaise with Welfare Officer, Safeguarding Lead, Junior Coordinator and Rowing Team as required.
- Ensure that online contact information, particularly ICE (In Case Emergency) information for all members is accurate and available to the Rowing Captain and Coxswains.
- To monitor online membership fees received and where applicable receive and bank additional monies related to membership activity.
- Monitor movement of members between racing squads and general rowing for all members and keep accurate records of those members in men’s, ladies and junior racing squads (including Vets, Masters).
- To advise up-to-date membership status and breakdown of category of all BGRC members to CPGA every quarter (end-March, June, September, December respectively).
- Manage and update the Club website Membership page as required, including updating of membership fees and rowing fees.
- Add relevant membership related posts to the (closed/private group) BGRC Facebook group (Bridport Gig Club) as required.
- To liaise with LTR Coordinator to agree frequency of LTR courses and advise applicants/waiting list accordingly.
- To establish contact with all LTR participants, acting as first point of contact on all elements relating to their initial enquiry, pass on details to LTR Coordinator.
- Monitor progression of all LTR applicants by liaising with LTR Coordinator, keeping accurate records of progression advise participants about full membership on completion of LTR courses.
- Process full memberships for (temporary) LTR members on completion of their courses.
- To ensure members are aware of Club policy documents and conditions of membership, advise compliance with Club Code of Conduct and ensure Safeguarding legislation is adhered to, particularly for Junior members.
- Maintain confidentiality of all members’ personal information and adhere to GDPR (Data Protection) legislation.
- To provide information as required by any elected Officer.
Reporting Line:
- To Chair and Board of Directors.